Flavor of love in our hearts sometimes make us forget everything that is dikenyataan us, sometimes we also interpret love as a normal and natural for us. But the essence of love is the grace of Allah SWT. and is one of the blessings of His greatest for ourselves as a servant of Allah SWT. therefore keep your love, do not ever love you this holy nodai O Children of Adam. And keep it do not lose it in the mud swallowed by life who are ready to swallow at any time.
Love is in the heart of every human, animal, plants and even once. If creatures of Allah. in addition to the Children of Adam could speak maybe he'll say "I love you", the word love is truly phenomenal and incredible effects. With words of love one can cry, with love said person can be happy, even for love lives were lost.
When the love seep into the hearts of entering through the pores of the body so Buluk neck stood up straight, because the wonderful words of love then we will terperana with the greatness of love that word. That is a phenomenon that occurs ketike seoarang fall in love.
People who are having sex will feel the beauty of this world, so there is jargon "the world's only two", these words may be said funny for some people, because the word is impossible to happen, but for those who are in love then anything can happen though essentially not going to happen. This relates directly to the jargon of "love is blind" is the word on one side supports the existence of the word "world's only two" but on the other side saying "love is blind" a phrase that leads negative, meaning that why he says the world belongs to us both ? because he was blind, but blind here in quotes because love is blind false.
Then love what the world can see but we belong together? The answer mahabbah fillah (love for God).
This is the concept of real love, this is the concept of eternal love, this is the concept of eternal love, and this concept will help us from the horrors of doomsday. Because mahabbah fillah is one sign of people who get the shade on the Day of Resurrection when there is no shade except the shade of Allah.
Therefore, we love nothing better lover, teacher, friend, friends, parents, pets and so forth should be due to God Almighty, for we love it in the value of worship. Not if the intention was very influential in our actions what hope do we as human beings created by Allah SWT. for worship is therefore intended for all of them because they worship Allah. this is what is called by mahabbah fillah (love for God)
If love is in rasuki by the word "Allah" is so delicious and so syahdunya. Moreover, this love meant loving creatures of Allah. which is certainly mortal who is not eternal, then we would be parting with something that we love it because there is a saying "there is a meeting and there must be separation", but for people already in rasuki by the word "Allah" and he shall not disappointed and regret that will not go on. Love is due to Allah SWT. will hold to the principle "love your boyfriend do not overdo it" because love is real and who is actually in love with its creator.
Moreover, added with the words "world of the commons", really beautiful Muslim, we had been instructed to advise each other and remind each other, because the world belongs to our common stock that becomes a means of collecting that much to travel that far, even further from the travel around this world with the speed of light. Be thankful, O Muslims and Muslim.
Come to alter our conception of love that's blind to love both the look of the commons, because it would be nice when the heart is to see and bring together for him to heaven Allah. the eternal and the Eternal.
13 years ago
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